Smoked fish slicer : from the concept to the real thing

A design focused on simplicity and efficiency
At the beginning of 2019, we challenged ourselves to design and develop our first salmon slicer. We wanted to offer our customers an easy to use machine. Throughout the development process, our constant guiding principle was to facilitate the artisans work while ensuring that the "freshly hand sliced" quality was maintained.
Flashback to the first time our slicer prototype was used
In January 2020, the Inval waters fish farm joined us in our adventure. They tested our first slicer prototype. Here's what Edouard Roullet the company's manager has to say :
« For a little more than a year now we've been using the first smoked fish slicer made by Arcos. We agreed to take part in this industrial adventure, because the idea of contributing to the development of an innovative machine produced by a French company appealed to us. The purchase of the prototype was financially supported by the agricultural health insurance company MSA as part of a musculo-skeletal disorder prevention program.
Until then, the salmon was sliced by a qualified operator. Slicing could only be done after several months of training. The machine was so easy to use we were able to delegate the work to other operators. Then, during production peaks, we can organize our production over a longer time than before. Different operators take turns working with the machine.
We worked closely with the Arcos team to improve the prototype. Adjustments to the settings were made. The ergonomics were improved. We also proposed that the main hood be transparent in order to better control the slicing.
We enjoyed working with a young and dynamic team. Arcos is a company truly dedicated to accompanying us in the development of our activities, by providing us with machines that perfectly meet our needs. This cooperation is really good; we know that we can count on them if we have any technical problems. »
Our smoked fish slicer is available for everyone.
Thanks to the feedback from this company, today we can offer our clients a fully automatic product that functions precisely, is flexible and efficient. Its design makes it easy for users to clean and its maintenance is reduced. The technology used provides a significantly higher level of production enabling our clients to cope with their production peaks.